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Physiotherapy for Cancer


Introduction to Exercise Oncology

At Quest Physio, our team uses their knowledge in Exercise Oncology to provide safe and appropriate exercise programs for those who have, or have had cancer.

We understand that living with cancer and its treatments can significantly affect one's quality of life.


How can Quest Physio help you?

Our dedicated physiotherapists will tailor a personalised exercise prescription targeted to the individual and their specific cancer needs.  A cancer diagnosis and treatment can be overwhelming and knowing how to start exercising can be difficult. This is where our physios can guide you with safe effective exercise programs, enabling you to learn how to incorporate exercise back into your life for the long term, and transition back to the activities you love.


Benefits of Physiotherapy for Cancer

Research shows that engaging in exercise during and after treatment can alleviate side effects from therapies like chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, radiotherapy and surgery. There is emerging evidence that exercise can even enhance treatment efficacy. Exercise can improve symptoms of fatigue, increase muscle mass and endurance, improve balance and reduce chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy.

Bulk Billing Available

At Quest Physio, we offer bulk billed appointments to ease the financial burden during your cancer journey.


Simply follow these three easy steps:


1. Visit your GP and request a referral to Quest Physio.


2. Book your appointment online or give us a call.


3. Begin your Quest journey today, knowing that we're here to support you every step of the way.

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